Toward a New Understanding of Governance: The Berggruen Governance Index
Our primary goal in developing the Berggruen Governance Index (BGI) is to gain a better understanding of the provision of public goods. The BGI examines the varied performances of countries with a conceptual framework — the Governance Triangle — that incorporates democratic accountability and state capacity as key factors shaping public goods provision. Each element of the triangle is further broken down into subdimensions, which are constructed with the help of multiple indicators. Thus, once fully operationalized, measured, and statistically analyzed, the Index explores 134 countries across 3 main indices and 9 sub-indices over the span of 20 years to tease out the relationship between democratic accountability, state capacity, and public goods provision. The model can be analyzed over time and cross-nationally as well as for specific regions, regime types, level of economic development, or the experience of crisis episodes of different kinds. What is more, the BGI can be used to help explain variations in economic growth, levels of inequality, political and social stability, the trustworthiness of governments, and more.
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Suggested Reading Material:
Anheier, H. K., Lang, M., & Knudsen, E. (2022). (rep.). Towards a New Understanding of Governance: The 2022 Beggruen Governance Index. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and Berggruen Institute.