“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” — Alvin Toffler (1980)
Resources for the Future
#skills #health #cooperation
ISBN: 9 783981 926941
Published August 2023
Volume 11 of INTERSECTING, Resources for the Future, is the final volume in the second cycle of the INTERSECTING global editorial project. The project explores economic transformations and the idea of “bending the linear economy.” From art and trust to circular economy and building unity at a time of social fragmentation, INTERSECTING – Resources for the Future brings together prominent multidisciplinary thinkers and doers involved in global negotiations, including the G20 India. They come together to show that a healthy future depends not so much on competition for raw resources, but on inclusive and fair consumption and production. They call for us to renew the art of cooperation between and within nations, and to do this in a socially and culturally conscious way.
Resources for the Future (Book 2)
ISBN: 9 783981 926934
Published: July 2023
This edition of INTERSECTING is available as a hard copy.
On the Creative Economy and the Future of Work
#jobs #inclusion #digitalization
ISBN 9 798888 953563
published January 2023
Volume 10 of INTERSECTING – The issue of “Creative Economy” is not new, but something new happened in 2022. Indonesia’s G20 presidency could permanently change the course and level of recognition of the creative economy in the global economy, provided something is done quickly.
This volume of INTERSECTING is part of an original policy attempt to strengthen the case for the creative economy in the long term, because recovery from the pandemic cannot follow the same path as recovery from the 2008 global financial crisis.
Bending the Linear Economy: On Urban Metabolism
#resources #well-being #policies
ISBN 9 782957 990597
published September 2022
Volume 9 of INTERSECTING – In the context of increasingly divergent political and infrastructure investment models, coupled with a highly divergent recovery and overlapping global crises, multi-level governance is critical to address systemic challenges. In 2022, the G7 presidency of Germany launched a G7 urban development track to support investments “for a better future and a sustainable planet”.
An ambitious and quality dialogue between the G7 and G20 is even more critical now to support the delivery of the Agenda 2030 in times of uncertainties, and especially ahead of the Sustainable Development Goal 11 review in 2023.
Bending the Linear Economy: On Global Value Chains
#capital #development #agenda2030
ISBN 9 782957 990580
published May 2022
Volume 8 of INTERSECTING is devoted to the theme of “Circular Economy and Global Value Chains”. It comes at a time when economic disruptions in global trade are multiplying, as geopolitical tensions are rising and scarcity of basic commodities is driving inflation. This volume is exceptionally rich, with over 30 articles and 50 authors from across the globe. Intersecting perspectives are articulated in three sections: 1) #capital #transitions #people, 2) #development #finance #due diligence and 3) #regions #agenda 2030 #leadership.
Bending the Linear Economy: On Plastics
#transitions #frameworks #responsibility
ISBN 9 782957 990528
published January 2022
Volume 7 of INTERSECTING – in plastics, united we are! But it is time to bend the linear economy and turn 20% of the world economy circular by 2030. In the spring of 2021, the first session of the Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues on plastics kicked-off online, following the Global Solutions Summit which was also held virtually, as the COVID-19 pandemic still held its firm grip on the world with fundamental ramifications on our life.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#structure #mindsets #cooperation
ISBN 9 782957 990573
published September 2021
Volume 6 of INTERSECTING – Urban development plays already an increasing role in international development cooperation. Since the beginning of the pandemic, mainly cities and urban communities, including wealthy global cities, suffer from cascading challenges of higher public expenditures, delayed investments, and plummeting revenues, with consequences on large segments of the industry such as the building and construction sector, transport and mobility or tourism and culture. If the urban recovery process in the world is not managed to be sustainable and green, there is a risk of following hardly reversible development paths, with severe negative effects for future generations and the planet.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#systems #solutions #agendas
ISBN 9 782957 990566
published August 2021
Volume 5 of INTERSECTING – The pandemic is over (isn’t it?). When in the spring of 2020, we first initiated the Solutions Dialogues which would then become INTERSECTING, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 10 million COVID-19 cases and half a million dead across the globe. When we released INTERSECTING’s first edition a year later, the Coronavirus Update Live reported 115 million cases and 2,5 million dead. Halfway to 2021, over 220 million cas-es have officially been reported and nearly 5 million dead.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#fragmentation #generation #knowledge
ISBN 9 782957 990559
published July 2021
Volume 4 of INTERSECTING – While joblessness, poverty, and debt increase across the world as the pandemic lingers, there are privileged people with growing financial wealth. Turning to environmental issues, strict travel restrictions have reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, but such favorabl impacts on the progression of global warming seem to be limited. On the contrary, too many severe disasters due to extreme heat or extremely heavy rainfall continue to happen. Economies, societies, and infrastructure across the world are suffering increasing stress caused by the health crisis, the worsening inequality, and the slowly but surely looming crisis of climate change.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#distribution #inclusion #infrastructure
ISBN 9 782957 990542
published June 2021
Volume 3 of INTERSECTING – INTERSECTING is based upon multiple, interlinked entry points, from ‘disease’ to ‘cooperation’, looking into possible future world structures. We believe it is ours to decide how infrastructure can serve other purposes than trade devel-opment and resources consumption, ours to understand the social factors of global warming and other ecosystem alterations, ours to assess how cities can continue to be places of innovation while re-valuing rural geo-econom-ics and while understanding that they are also the places where resentment and distrust are articulated.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#informality #prosperity #communities
ISBN 9 782957 990535
published May 2021
Volume 2 of INTERSECTING – INTERSECTING is a collective work, the result of the ded-icated engagement of five co-editors, several supporting knowledge partners, ADBI and OECD, nearly a hundred co-authors, including strong voices and ones from future leaders, from all regions of the globe, with two dozen of some of the world’s very best universities and research centers taking part. Incubated by the Global Solutions Ini-tiative, supported by GIZ, it also marks the 10th anniversary of the Grand Paris Alliance for Sustainable Investments.
Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
#disease #health #society
ISBN 9 782957 990511
published April 2021
Volume 1 of INTERSECTING – This very first volume of INTERSECTING ‘On sustainable urbanization and infrastructure response to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis’ is the cornerstone of several upcoming policy, research and advocacy global initiatives addressing resources and circular economy, the future of work and creative economy, and the delivery of the 2030 Agenda, in the context of the Troïka of G20 presidencies by Indonesia, India and Brazil from 2022 to 2024.

Sustainable Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
ISBN 9 782957 990504
New Dialogue Publishers, Berlin
published September 2021
This edition of INTERSECTING is available as a hard copy.