- Ackhmad Afllazir is a Young Expert Policy Analyst who currently serves as the Head of the Health Financing Policy Task Force at Center of Policy for Health Financing and Decentralization, Health Development Policy Agency of the Ministry of Health.
- He completed his Medical Doctor as General Practitioner from Trisakti University, Indonesia then obtained his Master's degree with a focus on Health Development Planning, at Padjadjaran University, Indonesia.
- He participated in initiating the issuance of policies related to Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) which is currently one of the policies of the Ministry of Health to address the problem of health financing gaps in Indonesia, contained in the regulation of the Minister of Health.
- He is also active in imparting his knowledge and sharing his knowledge at capacity-building events organized by the Ministry of Health and various other agencies at the Central and Regional levels and is also active in providing assistance to Regional Governments, particularly the Provincial/District Health Offices.
- He is also heavily involved in several support projects for the Ministry of Health related to Health Financing and is actively involved in conducting Health Financing studies with WHO, USAID, and WORLD BANK.