Muazu Alhaji Modu is an activist and social worker with over 7 years experience in social accountability, community organizing and advocacy. He is Chief Executive of spotlight for Transparency and Accountability Initiative in Nigeria. Founder of Citizen-led Tracking, a data-driven social accountability initiative that uses data and leverages digital technology to empower and work with citizens at the grassroots to demand accountability and enhace transparency on government spending. Through Citizen-led Tracking directly reached and impacted over 700,000 lives in 56 rural communities in Nigeria where they tracked and saved the government over $4.2 million earmarked for health and education projects. In the process they built capacity of over 500 young people and community stakeholders to take ownership of demanding accountability in their communities His work earned numerous international recognition, most notable among the achievements include; African Union's 2020 top 20 best Innovation on Democracy and Governance, Spindle's 30 Most Inspiring Digital Innovation on SDGs around the globe and finalist AfricTivites 2021 African Civic Engagement Prize. Mr. Modu is Alumni of Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders Intiative (YALI), University of Georgia's African Civic Engagement Academy and Ashoka Changeakers everywhere Academy.