
The post-Covid world: From recovery to reshaping welfare

This session is curated by Luiz de Mello, Director, Economics Department, Policy Studies Branch, OECD. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused enormous economic, social and human losses. The global economy is now recovering, albeit in an unbalanced manner across countries, sectors of activity, firms and people. At the same time, a … Read more

Building a Better Future of Work

What began as a global health crisis in 2020 developed into an economic one, resulting in widespread business failures and social and political upheaval. Poor, marginalised, and vulnerable communities, as well as their workforces, have been disproportionately affected, and while vaccines are allowing many countries to begin reopening borders, economies, … Read more

Vision Statement by Cristina Contreras and Lorena Zemp

The outbreak of the viral COVID-19 pandemic has brutally exposed weaknesses in existing infrastructure systems: “grey infrastructure” expansion and the associated destruction of ecosystems facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases, whilst excessive reliance on just-in-time transport infrastructure and value chains increases our vulnerability to global shocks. At the same time, … Read more

Mobilizing Infrastructure Investments as Catalysts for Net Zero & SDG Delivery

The outbreak of the viral COVID-19 pandemic has brutally exposed weaknesses in existing infrastructure systems: “grey infrastructure” expansion and the associated destruction of ecosystems facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases, whilst excessive reliance on just-in-time transport infrastructure and value chains increases our vulnerability to global shocks. At the same time, … Read more

Keynote by Heike Henn

The outbreak of the viral COVID-19 pandemic has brutally exposed weaknesses in existing infrastructure systems: “grey infrastructure” expansion and the associated destruction of ecosystems facilitate the spread of zoonotic diseases, whilst excessive reliance on just-in-time transport infrastructure and value chains increases our vulnerability to global shocks. At the same time, … Read more

Vision Statement by Zeinab Elbakri

Curated and produced by the Women’s Economic Imperative In this final decade for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and in light of the yet unfolding economic and social impacts of the pandemic, it essential to take a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the response and recovery discussions aimed at identifying … Read more

Perspective Statement Dr. Yonette F. Thomas

In this final decade for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and in light of the yet unfolding economic and social impacts of the pandemic, it essential to take a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the response and recovery discussions aimed at identifying strategic pathways for our global, national, and regional … Read more

Perspective Statement Franz W. Gatzweiler

In this final decade for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and in light of the yet unfolding economic and social impacts of the pandemic, it essential to take a multi-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the response and recovery discussions aimed at identifying strategic pathways for our global, national, and regional … Read more

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