
Global Solutions Journal: Issue 10

Published April 2024

The Global Solutions Journal aims to address collective approaches to multilateral challenges relevant to the G20. This year, it is structured around the six priority areas of T20 Brasil, including inequality, climate action, international finance, and global governance. Our contributions this year come from a diverse range of experts across sectors from all around the world who weigh in on solutions to today’s polycrisis. These recommendations are elaborated on at the Global Solutions Summit 2024.

Download the entire issue below:

1. Fighting Inequalities, Poverty, and Hunger

Enabling African Smallholder Women: Insights from the Field
Authors: Stefan Heinke (Bayer), Lakshmi Lyer (Grameen Foundation), Anastasia Mbatia (Farm to Market Alliance)
Policy Brief
Climate Resilience Needs Solidarity: Responding to Losses and Damages from Climate Risks is a Truly Global Challenge
Authors: Svenja Schulze (Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Opinion Piece
Urbanization, Health and Sustainable Development: Quality of Life as an Enabling Framework
Authors: Yonette Thomas (Women’s Economic Imperative ), Wendy M. Purcell (Rutgers School of Public Health, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health & Justice)
Research Paper
Unlocking Social Progress with Business: Overcoming Barriers to Drive Collaborative Momentum
Authors: Elora Wilbur (PwC), Andreea Rosan (PwC), Wendy van Tol (PwC), Barry Murphy (PwC)
Opinion Piece

2. Sustainable Climate Action and Inclusive Just Energy Transitions

Driving Carbon Markets for Inclusive Net Zero Economic Growth in G20
Authors: Venkatachalam Anbumozhi (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia)
Policy Brief
Increasing and Improving Climate Finance in Africa: Europe and the G20 Can and Should Do More to Support Climate Finance in Africa
Authors: Ameer Chughtai (European Council on Foreign Relations)
Opinion Piece
Brazil’s Energy ­Evolution From Poverty to Green Jobs: Brazil’s Sustainable Shift
Authors: Adriano Correia (PwC Brazil)
Opinion Piece
Advancing Just Energy Transitions: Community Energy Projects in Central and Eastern Europe
Authors: Gesa Geißler (Technische Universität Berlin), Roland Lleshi (Technische Universität Berlin)
Policy Brief
Climate Policy and Human Well-Being: Well-Being Outcomes Need to be a Central Consideration for Climate and Sustainability Policy
Authors: Tabea Lissner (Global Solutions Initiative)
Research Paper
Engineering Sustainability into Prosperity: Creating the Resilient, Productive, and Aspirational Future We Want
Authors: Shuva Raha (Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)), Tulika Gupta (Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)), Kinshu Dang (Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW))
Opinion Piece

3. Reforming the International Financial Architecture

Unpacking Developing Country Debt Problems: Selected Reforms to the International Financial Architecture
Authors: Homi Kharas (The Brookings Institution), Charlotte Rivard (The Brookings Institution)
Research Article

4. Trade and Investment for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

A Comeback for Industrial Policy?
Authors: Holger Görg ( Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
Opinion Piece
Green Technology in post-COVID Recovery: Harnessing Green Technology for Inclusive Economic Recovery post-COVID-19
Authors: Syed Munir Khasru (Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG)), Bob Koopman (Centre for Economic Policy Research), Jian (Jeffrey) Xu (Asian Development Bank (ADB))
Policy Brief
Driving Sustainable Growth Through Care: Seven Specific Measures to Guide the Profile of Investment in Caregiving
Authors: Gala Díaz Langou, Vanesa D’Alessandre (CIPPEC), Florencia Caro Sachetti (Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento, (CIPPEC)), Bruno Muñoz (CIPPEC)
Policy Brief

5. Inclusive Digital Transformation

Regionally Based Socio-Economic ­Ecosystems: Case Studies from Argentina
Authors: Paul Grainger (Centre for Education and Work, UCL), Silvia Lanza Castelli (Universidad Siglo 21, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional), Maria Paula Gonzalez (Professor-Researcher)
Research Paper
A Consumer-Centric Approach for Inclusion in Digital Public Infrastructures: Digital Public Infrastructure and its Opportunities for Financial Inclusion
Authors: Marina Meira (Consumers International), Hannah Draper (Consumers International), Camila Leite Contri ( Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense (IDEC)), Luã Cruz (Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense (IDEC)), Alexandre Costa Barbosa (Universität der Künste Berlin (Design Research Lab))
A Blueprint for Inclusive Digital Co-ordination
Authors: Catherine Mulligan (Emerging Technologies Sustainability Taskforce; Imperial College London)
Policy Brief
The Challenges of Governing AI-Elections: Shared Principles and Collaboration for Latin American Democratic Processes
Authors: Julia Pomares (School of Government, Di Tella University), Vicente Arias González (The Global Initiative for Digital Empowerment)
Policy Brief
The Promise of Government-to-Person 3.0
Authors: Romora Edward Sitorus (Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Denni Puspa Purbasari (Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), William L. Megginson (Michael F. Price College of Business, The University of Oklahoma), Hengki Sihombing (Program Management Office of Kartu Prakerja, The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia)
Opinion Piece

6. Strengthening Multilaterism and Global Governance

Toward a New Era in Global Relations: The Potential of Middle Power Diplomacy to Shift Global Political Dynamics
Authors: Colin Bradford (China-West Dialogue)
Opinion Piece
Toward a Collaborative Ecosocial and Cultural System for Sustainable Development: Fostering Trust and Values-Based Solutions
Authors: Rana Dajani (The Hashemite University, Jordan; Taghyeer/We Love Reading), Sanam Naraghi Anderlini (International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)), Reetta Toivanen ( Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science and Department of Cultures, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki)
Opinion Piece
Multilateralism As A Domestic Policy Tool
Authors: Markus Engels (Global Solutions Initiative)
Opinion Piece
Economic Transformation in International Development Cooperation: Strategic Pillars, Critical Enablers
Opinion Piece
AI for Global Governance: Using Predictive Machine Learning to Improve the Efficiency of G7 and G20 Summits
Authors: John Kirton (G20 Research Group), Jessica Rapson (G20 Research Group)
Research Paper
Multilateralism, Systems Thinking, Education: The Dilemmas of Higher Education and the Case for a Meta-University
Authors: Thomas Schneider (Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU))
Opinion Piece
Principles for Collective Progress
Authors: Dennis J. Snower (Global Solutions Initiative Foundation)
Opinion Piece
Back to Cooperation: An Urgent Global Need
Authors: Pedro Villagra Delgado ( Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI))
Opinion Piece
China Can Play a Greater role in Mediating Major International Conflicts
Authors: Henry (Huiyao) WANG (Center for China and Globalization (CCG))
Opinion piece

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