Matthew Gamser is CEO of the SME Finance Forum, the world’s leading centre for knowledge exchange, good practice promotion and public-private dialogue in this field. The SME Finance Forum is managed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, for the G-20 countries’ Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion. The SME Finance Forum’s network includes over 240 banks, fintech companies, development banks and other institutions involved in financing SMEs. Its members operate in over 190 countries and serve as key partners for the G20, APEC, OECD, and other multilateral institutions in their work on small business financing and financial inclusion. Dr. Gamser has over 40 years’ experience in private enterprise and financial sector development. Matt worked for IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, for 17 years in various positions from Washington, DC, and Hong Kong, where he has focused on SME finance and on financial sector development. He spent 25 years in management consulting and in senior leadership in an international NGO. He holds A.B. and A.M. degrees from Harvard University, and M.Sc. and D.Phil. degrees from Sussex University (UK), where his work focused on the management of technological change
Policy Briefs

G7 Germany 2022

Global Public-Private Digital Utilities for MSME Recovery and Transition
Policy area: Climate, Energy and Environment
Tamara Singh (People Centered Internet), Mei Lin Fung (People-Centered Internet), Eileen Murray (FINRA), Anthony Lacavaro (Aquarian Holdings), Matthew Gamser (SME Finance Forum, World Bank/IFC ), Brian Omwenga (Tech Innovators Network – ThiNK, University of Nairobi, Kenya), Ndemo Bitange (University of Nairobi, Kenya), Homi Kharas (Brookings Center for Sustainable Development)