David Vines is a Programme Director at the Institute for New Economic Thinking in the Oxford Martin School, and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London. He has a BA in Economics and Mathematics from Melbourne University, and an MA and PhD in Economics from Cambridge University. In the 1980s David carried out some of the very earliest research on inflation targeting with Nobel Prize winner James Meade and from 1985 to 1992 he was the Adam Smith Professor of Political Economy at the University of Glasgow. His more recent work has been on international macroeconomics, the restoration of trust in the financial system, and global economic governance. His most recent books include Keynes: Useful Economics for the World Economy (MIT Press, 2014), written jointly with Peter Temin, and Capital Failure: Rebuilding Trust in Financial Services (OUP, 2014) edited jointly with Nicholas Morris
Policy Briefs

G7 Germany 2022

Keeping the World Economy on Track: Dealing with the Short-Term Emergency and Pursuing Longer-Term Objectives
Policy area: Economic transformation
Paola Subacchi (Queen Mary University of London), David Vines (Economics Department and Balliol College, University of Oxford ), John Beirne (Asian Development Bank Institute), Andy Filardo (Hoover Institution, Stanford University), Mei Lin Fung (People-Centered Internet), Alicia García Herrero (Bruegel), Simone Romano (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)), Mina Toksoz (Alliance Manchester Business School ), Paul van den Noord (University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES))